Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Music Has No Color

In today's class we started watching the movie The Art of Rap which is a documentary by Ice-T where he interviews different American Rappers and talks about the art of writing and performing rap verses. My favorite part of the movie so far was when he interviewed Eminem! He is one of my favorite rappers and as Ice-T said "who would have thought that one of the greatest rappers of all time would be white?" Whitey Mighty! I love Eminem.

 Eminem has struggled a lot for being a white rapper. This in itself is going out of the norms so in my opinion he follows the history of hip hop always going out of social norms. Usually we connect rap to black culture and most of hip hop artists are black, but Eminem is white and one of the best rappers out there.

Here's the part where he is interviewed in the documentary:

"Rap is everything to me, my world, it's what I do...it gives me a voice and strength" (Eminem)

Eminem- Superman (My favorite song by him)

The Real Slim Shady (one of his most famous raps)


Brazilian HipHop: In Brazil Rappers are also mainly black as it is part of black cultures worldwide. But just like Eminem, one of the most well-known rappers in Brazil is white! I already spoke about him a few weeks ago, in this post here. His name is Gabriel O Pensador (Gabriel the Thinker) and he has been around since the 90's and he is not only known for his music but also for his knowledge and his rhymes. 

Gabriel O Pensador 

Gabriel o Pensador 2345678

Cachimbo da Paz (Peace Pipe) - Gabriel O Pensador 
This lyrics talk about an Indian who was arrested for smoking weed and doesn't understand how he can put in jail for a Peace Pipe when there's so much violence going on everywhere 


A more recent artist that is very famous in Brasil, well known for his Rap and will also participate at Lolapalooza (a music festival that happens in different parts of the world which includes many artist) is Criolo. Criolo is also a white rapper who goes out of the norms. He has a different style of rapping and his music mixes rap and soul. He has gained best revealing artist award in Brazil and his fan base is growing each day. 


Criolo - Subirusdoistiozin 


To finalize today's post, I present you guys EMICIDA - he is considered a master at rapping in Brazil. Since the documentary we watched today talks about the art of writing and performing rap verses, I could not leave him out of the post.  Emicida is a combination of the words MC and homicide because of his frequent victories in the battles of improvisations, and his friends would call him a 'killer' because he 'kills' his opponents through rhymes.


Emicida battleling against Gil - you might not understand it because it is in Portuguese, but you can hear the audience cheering 

Emicida rapping in UK - Brazilian Rappers going International 


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